What is DHCP

What is DHCP

What is DHCP

DHCP, or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, is a network management protocol used to automatically assign IP addresses and other network configuration parameters to devices on a network, allowing them to communicate effectively.

By enabling devices to request and receive an IP address and necessary settings from a DHCP server, DHCP simplifies the administration of networks by reducing the need for manual IP address assignment and ensuring that IP address conflicts are minimized.

 DHCP – IP Request

A DHCP request to the server occurs during the DHCP leasing process, where a client broadcasts a DHCP. Discover message to locate available DHCP servers on the network. Upon receiving this message, one or more DHCP servers respond with a DHCP Offer message containing an IP address and other network configuration details. The client then selects one of the offers and sends a DHCP Request message back to the chosen server, indicating its acceptance of the offer and requesting to lease the proposed IP address. Subsequently, the server confirms the lease with a DHCP Acknowledgement (ACK), finalizing the IP address assignment to the client.

How to set DHCP automatically

To set up DHCP automatically on your network, first, ensure your router or DHCP server is configured to enable DHCP. Access your router's configuration settings through a web browser by entering its IP address (usually something like or in with your credentials, navigate to the DHCP settings section, and ensure the DHCP server is activated. Configure the DHCP range (the pool of IP addresses available for devices) and any other options like lease time and DNS servers. Save the settings, and then restart your router. Devices connected to the network should automatically receive IP addresses from the DHCP server.

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